
Represents a Telegram Stars transaction ».

starsTransaction#2db5418f flags:# refund:flags.3?true pending:flags.4?true failed:flags.6?true gift:flags.10?true id:string stars:long date:int peer:StarsTransactionPeer title:flags.0?string description:flags.1?string photo:flags.2?WebDocument transaction_date:flags.5?int transaction_url:flags.5?string bot_payload:flags.7?bytes msg_id:flags.8?int extended_media:flags.9?Vector<MessageMedia> = StarsTransaction;


Constructor Description
starsTransaction Represents a Telegram Stars transaction ».

Related pages

Telegram Stars

Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more.