Object describing actions connected to a service message.
messageActionEmpty#b6aef7b0 = MessageAction;
messageActionChatCreate#a6638b9a title:string users:Vector<int> = MessageAction;
messageActionChatEditTitle#b5a1ce5a title:string = MessageAction;
messageActionChatEditPhoto#7fcb13a8 photo:Photo = MessageAction;
messageActionChatDeletePhoto#95e3fbef = MessageAction;
messageActionChatAddUser#5e3cfc4b user_id:int = MessageAction;
messageActionChatDeleteUser#b2ae9b0c user_id:int = MessageAction;
Constructor | Description |
messageActionEmpty | Empty constructor. |
messageActionChatCreate | Group created |
messageActionChatEditTitle | Group name changed. |
messageActionChatEditPhoto | Group profile changed |
messageActionChatDeletePhoto | Group profile photo removed. |
messageActionChatAddUser | New member in the group |
messageActionChatDeleteUser | User left the group. |
messageActionChatJoinedByLink | A user joined the chat via an invite link |
messageActionChannelCreate | The channel was created |
messageActionChatMigrateTo | Indicates the chat was migrated to the specified supergroup |
messageActionChannelMigrateFrom | Indicates the channel was migrated from the specified chat |
messageActionPinMessage | A message was pinned |
messageActionHistoryClear | Chat history was cleared |
messageActionGameScore | Someone scored in a game |
messageActionPaymentSentMe | A user just sent a payment to me (a bot) |
messageActionPaymentSent | A payment was sent |
messageActionPhoneCall | A phone call |
messageActionScreenshotTaken | A screenshot of the chat was taken |
messageActionCustomAction | Custom action (most likely not supported by the current layer, an upgrade might be needed) |
messageActionBotAllowed | We have given the bot permission to send us direct messages. The optional fields specify how did we authorize the bot to send us messages. |
messageActionSecureValuesSentMe | Secure telegram passport values were received |
messageActionSecureValuesSent | Request for secure telegram passport values was sent |
messageActionContactSignUp | A contact just signed up to telegram |
messageActionGeoProximityReached | A user of the chat is now in proximity of another user |
messageActionGroupCall | The group call has ended |
messageActionInviteToGroupCall | A set of users was invited to the group call |
messageActionSetMessagesTTL | The Time-To-Live of messages in this chat was changed. |
messageActionGroupCallScheduled | A group call was scheduled |
messageActionSetChatTheme | The chat theme was changed |
messageActionChatJoinedByRequest | A user was accepted into the group by an admin |
messageActionWebViewDataSentMe | Data from an opened reply keyboard bot mini app was relayed to the bot that owns it (bot side service message). |
messageActionWebViewDataSent | Data from an opened reply keyboard bot mini app was relayed to the bot that owns it (user side service message). Clients should display a service message with the text Data from the «$text» button was transferred to the bot. |
messageActionGiftPremium | Info about a gifted Telegram Premium subscription |
messageActionTopicCreate | A forum topic was created. |
messageActionTopicEdit | Forum topic information was edited. |
messageActionSuggestProfilePhoto | A new profile picture was suggested using photos.uploadContactProfilePhoto. |
messageActionRequestedPeer | Contains info about one or more peers that the we (the user) shared with the bot after clicking on a keyboardButtonRequestPeer button (service message sent by the user). |
messageActionSetChatWallPaper | The wallpaper » of the current chat was changed. |
messageActionGiftCode | Contains a Telegram Premium giftcode link. |
messageActionGiveawayLaunch | A giveaway was started. |
messageActionGiveawayResults | A giveaway has ended. |
messageActionBoostApply | Some boosts » were applied to the channel or supergroup. |
messageActionRequestedPeerSentMe | Contains info about one or more peers that the a user shared with the me (the bot) after clicking on a keyboardButtonRequestPeer button (service message received by the bot). |
messageActionPaymentRefunded | Describes a payment refund (service message received by both users and bots). |
messageActionGiftStars | You gifted or were gifted some Telegram Stars. |
messageActionPrizeStars | You won some Telegram Stars in a Telegram Star giveaway ». |
messageActionStarGift | You received a gift, see here » for more info. |