
Telegram channel and supergroup administrators with any set of rights may launch giveaways to randomly distribute Telegram Premium subscriptions and other gifts among their followers, in exchange for boosts.

Giveaways and giftcodes

This functionality should only be enabled if the giveaway_gifts_purchase_available config value is set to true.

Note that the flow described below can also be used to gift a Premium subscriptions to multiple friends, and is different from the old gift flow, which allowed gifting only one subscription with some extra limitations, not present in this flow.

Note that premium multigift links lead to a page that uses the new gift flow described below.


premiumGiftCodeOption#257e962b flags:# users:int months:int store_product:flags.0?string store_quantity:flags.1?int currency:string amount:long = PremiumGiftCodeOption;

inputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway#160544ca flags:# only_new_subscribers:flags.0?true winners_are_visible:flags.3?true boost_peer:InputPeer additional_peers:flags.1?Vector<InputPeer> countries_iso2:flags.2?Vector<string> prize_description:flags.4?string random_id:long until_date:int currency:string amount:long = InputStorePaymentPurpose;
inputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode#fb790393 flags:# users:Vector<InputUser> boost_peer:flags.0?InputPeer currency:string amount:long message:flags.1?TextWithEntities = InputStorePaymentPurpose;

inputInvoicePremiumGiftCode#98986c0d purpose:InputStorePaymentPurpose option:PremiumGiftCodeOption = InputInvoice;

prepaidGiveaway#b2539d54 id:long months:int quantity:int date:int = PrepaidGiveaway;

premium.boostsStatus#4959427a flags:# my_boost:flags.2?true level:int current_level_boosts:int boosts:int gift_boosts:flags.4?int next_level_boosts:flags.0?int premium_audience:flags.1?StatsPercentValue boost_url:string prepaid_giveaways:flags.3?Vector<PrepaidGiveaway> my_boost_slots:flags.2?Vector<int> = premium.BoostsStatus;

messageMediaGiveaway#aa073beb flags:# only_new_subscribers:flags.0?true winners_are_visible:flags.2?true channels:Vector<long> countries_iso2:flags.1?Vector<string> prize_description:flags.3?string quantity:int months:flags.4?int stars:flags.5?long until_date:int = MessageMedia;

messageActionGiveawayLaunch#a80f51e4 flags:# stars:flags.0?long = MessageAction;
messageActionGiveawayResults#87e2f155 flags:# stars:flags.0?true winners_count:int unclaimed_count:int = MessageAction;

messageActionGiftCode#56d03994 flags:# via_giveaway:flags.0?true unclaimed:flags.2?true boost_peer:flags.1?Peer months:int slug:string currency:flags.2?string amount:flags.2?long crypto_currency:flags.3?string crypto_amount:flags.3?long message:flags.4?TextWithEntities = MessageAction;

payments.giveawayInfo#4367daa0 flags:# participating:flags.0?true preparing_results:flags.3?true start_date:int joined_too_early_date:flags.1?int admin_disallowed_chat_id:flags.2?long disallowed_country:flags.4?string = payments.GiveawayInfo;
payments.giveawayInfoResults#e175e66f flags:# winner:flags.0?true refunded:flags.1?true start_date:int gift_code_slug:flags.3?string stars_prize:flags.4?long finish_date:int winners_count:int activated_count:flags.2?int = payments.GiveawayInfo;

payments.checkedGiftCode#284a1096 flags:# via_giveaway:flags.2?true from_id:flags.4?Peer giveaway_msg_id:flags.3?int to_id:flags.0?long date:int months:int used_date:flags.1?int chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = payments.CheckedGiftCode;


payments.getPremiumGiftCodeOptions#2757ba54 flags:# boost_peer:flags.0?InputPeer = Vector<PremiumGiftCodeOption>;

payments.getPaymentForm#37148dbb flags:# invoice:InputInvoice theme_params:flags.0?DataJSON = payments.PaymentForm;

premium.getBoostsStatus#042f1f61 peer:InputPeer = premium.BoostsStatus;

payments.launchPrepaidGiveaway#5ff58f20 peer:InputPeer giveaway_id:long purpose:InputStorePaymentPurpose = Updates;

payments.getGiveawayInfo#f4239425 peer:InputPeer msg_id:int = payments.GiveawayInfo;

payments.checkGiftCode#8e51b4c1 slug:string = payments.CheckedGiftCode;
payments.applyGiftCode#f6e26854 slug:string = Updates;

First of all, invoke payments.getPremiumGiftCodeOptions to obtain a list of premiumGiftCodeOption constructors, containing a list of giveaway options that may be chosen by the admin, indicating the number and duration of the of Telegram Premium subscriptions that will be gifted in the giveaway, along with their price (amount) in the specified currency (see the constructor page » for more info on these fields).

Once the admin has chosen a specific gift code option, invoke payments.getPaymentForm, passing an inputInvoicePremiumGiftCode, with the chosen premiumGiftCodeOption in option and a purpose containing either:

  • inputStorePaymentPremiumGiveaway to create a giveaway, where Telegram will randomly select option.users subscribers to the channel/supergroup specified in purpose.boost_peer (only new subscribers starting from the giveaway creation date if the purpose.only_new_subscribers field is set).
    Additional channels/supergroups that the user must join to participate to the giveaway can be specified in additional_peers.
    The set of users that can participate to the giveaway can be restricted by passing an explicit whitelist of up to giveaway_countries_max countries, specified as two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes in countries_iso2.
    The end date of the giveaway must be specified in until_date, and it must be at most giveaway_period_max seconds in the future; at that date, Telegram will randomly choose option.users subscribers according to the conditions specified above, and send them a Telegram Premium giftcode as a messageActionGiftCode constructor, that should be used client-side to generate a giftcode link.
    The channel/supergroup specified in boost_peer will receive giveaway_boosts_per_premium boosts from each winner, that cannot be reassigned to another channel/supergroup for the duration of the gifted subscription.
  • or inputStorePaymentPremiumGiftCode, to gift Telegram Premium subscriptions only to some specific subscribers (purpose.users, max giveaway_add_peers_max users) of the channel/supergroup specified in purpose.boost_peer, which will receive giveaway_boosts_per_premium boosts from each user, that cannot be reassigned to another channel/supergroup for the duration of the gifted subscription.
    Users may also use this method to simply gift subscriptions to contacts by not setting the boost_peer field: in this case, gifting a Telegram Premium subscription to another user will create boosts_per_sent_gift boost slots » for us, and one boost slot for the destination user.

Then, follow the invoice payment flow as described in the payments documentation ».

More alternative payment flows are also available:



The messageActionGiftCode.slug should be used to generate a giftcode link, that the user can use to redeem the subscription, or re-gift it to someone else.

If winners_are_visible flag is set while starting a giveaway, giveaway winners are public and will be listed in a messageMediaGiveawayResults message that will be automatically sent to the channel/supergroup once the giveaway ends.

Any user can invoke payments.checkGiftCode with the link's slug to obtain info about the giveaway, such as the channel/supergroup that gifted the subscription (from_id), and the user that originally received the gift (to_id).
This can also be useful to channel/supergroup administrators to precisely determine the winners of a giveaway, for example if the giveaway also included some extra gifts apart from Premium subscriptions (like Teslas): the winners can simply send their link as undisputable proof that they won the giveaway, because the user that received the gift can be viewed in the to_id field returned by Telegram when invoking payments.checkGiftCode on the slug.
Another way for admins to check who received the gifts is to simply use premium.getBoostsList while the boosts received by the gifts are still active.

To claim the Telegram Premium subscription, simply invoke payments.applyGiftCode, passing the link's slug.

Star giveaways

starsGiveawayOption#94ce852a flags:# extended:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true stars:long yearly_boosts:int store_product:flags.2?string currency:string amount:long winners:Vector<StarsGiveawayWinnersOption> = StarsGiveawayOption;

starsGiveawayWinnersOption#54236209 flags:# default:flags.0?true users:int per_user_stars:long = StarsGiveawayWinnersOption;

inputInvoiceStars#65f00ce3 purpose:InputStorePaymentPurpose = InputInvoice;

inputStorePaymentStarsGiveaway#751f08fa flags:# only_new_subscribers:flags.0?true winners_are_visible:flags.3?true stars:long boost_peer:InputPeer additional_peers:flags.1?Vector<InputPeer> countries_iso2:flags.2?Vector<string> prize_description:flags.4?string random_id:long until_date:int currency:string amount:long users:int = InputStorePaymentPurpose;


payments.getStarsGiveawayOptions#bd1efd3e = Vector<StarsGiveawayOption>;

payments.getPaymentForm#37148dbb flags:# invoice:InputInvoice theme_params:flags.0?DataJSON = payments.PaymentForm;

Star giveaways are similar to normal giveaways, with the only difference that instead of giving away gifts or Telegram Premium subscriptions, the giveaway will automatically distribute Telegram Stars among the winners.

First of all, invoke payments.getStarsGiveawayOptions to obtain a list of starsGiveawayOption constructors, containing a list of giveaway options that may be chosen by the admin, indicating the number of winners of the giveaway, the number of Telegram Stars that will be gifted in the giveaway, along with their price (amount) in the specified currency (see the constructor page » for more info on these and all the remaining fields).

Once the admin has chosen a specific giveaway option, invoke payments.getPaymentForm, passing an inputInvoiceStars, containing an inputStorePaymentStarsGiveaway constructor, with:

  • The stars, currency and amount from the chosen starsGiveawayOption and some extra options, as specified in the constructor page ».
  • Additional channels/supergroups that the user must join to participate to the giveaway can be specified in additional_peers.
  • The set of users that can participate to the giveaway can be restricted by passing an explicit whitelist of up to giveaway_countries_max countries, specified as two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes in countries_iso2.
  • The end date of the giveaway must be specified in until_date, and it must be at most giveaway_period_max seconds in the future; at that date, Telegram will randomly choose users subscribers according to the conditions specified above, and send them per_user_stars Telegram Stars as a messageActionPrizeStars constructor.
    A messageActionPrizeStars with the unclaimed flag set may also be emitted, refunding the remaining stars to the creator of a giveaway if, when the giveaway ends, the number of members in the channel is smaller than the number of winners in the giveaway.
  • The channel/supergroup specified in boost_peer will receive starsGiveawayOption.yearly_boosts boosts for one year.

Then, follow the invoice payment flow as described in the payments documentation ».

More alternative payment flows are also available:
