
Bot owners only, fetch main mini app preview information, see here » for more info.

Note: technically non-owners may also invoke this method, but it will always behave exactly as bots.getPreviewMedias, returning only previews for the current language and an empty lang_codes array, regardless of the passed lang_code, so please only use bots.getPreviewMedias if you're not the owner of the bot.

bots.previewInfo#ca71d64 media:Vector<BotPreviewMedia> lang_codes:Vector<string> = bots.PreviewInfo;
bots.getPreviewInfo#423ab3ad bot:InputUser lang_code:string = bots.PreviewInfo;


Name Type Description
bot InputUser The bot that owns the Main Mini App.
lang_code string Fetch previews for the specified ISO 639-1 language code.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 BOT_INVALID This is not a valid bot.

Related pages

Mini Apps on Telegram

Bots can offer users interactive HTML5 web apps to completely replace any website.


Fetch main mini app previews, see here » for more info.