
Contains info about Main Mini App previews, see here » for more info.

bots.previewInfo#ca71d64 media:Vector<BotPreviewMedia> lang_codes:Vector<string> = bots.PreviewInfo;


Name Type Description
media Vector<BotPreviewMedia> All preview medias for the language code passed to bots.getPreviewInfo.
lang_codes Vector<string> All available language codes for which preview medias were uploaded (regardless of the language code passed to bots.getPreviewInfo).



Related pages


Bot owners only, fetch main mini app preview information, see here » for more info.

Note: technically non-owners may also invoke this method, but it will always behave exactly as bots.getPreviewMedias, returning only previews for the current language and an empty lang_codes array, regardless of the passed lang_code, so please only use bots.getPreviewMedias if you're not the owner of the bot.

Mini Apps on Telegram

Bots can offer users interactive HTML5 web apps to completely replace any website.