
List of boosts that were applied to a peer by multiple users.

premium.boostsList#86f8613c flags:# count:int boosts:Vector<Boost> next_offset:flags.0?string users:Vector<User> = premium.BoostsList;


premium.getBoostsList#60f67660 flags:# gifts:flags.0?true peer:InputPeer offset:string limit:int = premium.BoostsList;
premium.getUserBoosts#39854d1f peer:InputPeer user_id:InputUser = premium.BoostsList;


Constructor Description
premium.boostsList List of boosts that were applied to a peer by multiple users.


Method Description
premium.getBoostsList Obtains info about the boosts that were applied to a certain channel (admins only)
premium.getUserBoosts Returns the lists of boost that were applied to a channel by a specific user (admins only)

Related pages

Channel boosts

Telegram Premium users can grant their favorite channels additional features like the ability to post stories by giving them boosts.