
Timezone information that may be used elsewhere in the API, such as to set Telegram Business opening hours ».

help.timezonesListNotModified#970708cc = help.TimezonesList;
help.timezonesList#7b74ed71 timezones:Vector<Timezone> hash:int = help.TimezonesList;


help.getTimezonesList#49b30240 hash:int = help.TimezonesList;


Constructor Description
help.timezonesListNotModified The timezone list has not changed.
help.timezonesList Timezone information that may be used elsewhere in the API, such as to set Telegram Business opening hours ».


Method Description
help.getTimezonesList Returns timezone information that may be used elsewhere in the API, such as to set Telegram Business opening hours ».

Related pages


Users can turn their Telegram account into a business account, gaining access to business features such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages, custom start pages, chatbot support, and more.