
Type of verification code that will be sent next if you call the resendCode method

auth.codeTypeSms#72a3158c = auth.CodeType;
auth.codeTypeCall#741cd3e3 = auth.CodeType;
auth.codeTypeFlashCall#226ccefb = auth.CodeType;


Constructor Description
auth.codeTypeSms The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via an immediately canceled incoming call.
auth.codeTypeCall The next time, the authentication code is to be delivered via an outgoing phone call.
auth.codeTypeFlashCall The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via an immediately canceled incoming call.
auth.codeTypeMissedCall The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via an immediately canceled incoming call, handled manually by the user.
auth.codeTypeFragmentSms The next time, the authentication code will be delivered via
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