
Source of an incoming Telegram Star transaction, or its recipient for outgoing Telegram Star transactions.


Constructor Description
starsTransactionPeerUnsupported Describes a Telegram Star transaction that cannot be described using the current layer.
starsTransactionPeerAppStore Describes a Telegram Star transaction with the App Store, used when purchasing Telegram Stars through the App Store.
starsTransactionPeerPlayMarket Describes a Telegram Star transaction with the Play Store, used when purchasing Telegram Stars through the Play Store.
starsTransactionPeerPremiumBot Describes a Telegram Star transaction made using @PremiumBot (i.e. using the inputInvoiceStars flow described here »).
starsTransactionPeerFragment Describes a Telegram Star transaction with Fragment, used when purchasing Telegram Stars through Fragment.
starsTransactionPeer Describes a Telegram Star transaction with another peer.
starsTransactionPeerAds Describes a Telegram Star transaction used to pay for Telegram ads as specified here ».

Related pages

Telegram Stars

Telegram Stars are virtual items that allow users to purchase digital goods and services from bots and mini apps inside the Telegram ecosystem, send gifts to content creators on the Telegram platform, and more.