
Exact read date of a private message we sent to another user.


Constructor Description
outboxReadDate Exact read date of a private message we sent to another user.


Method Description
messages.getOutboxReadDate Get the exact read date of one of our messages, sent to a private chat with another user.

Can be only done for private outgoing messages not older than appConfig.pm_read_date_expire_period ».

If the peer's userFull.read_dates_private flag is set, we will not be able to fetch the exact read date of messages we send to them, and a USER_PRIVACY_RESTRICTED RPC error will be emitted.
The exact read date of messages might still be unavailable for other reasons, see here » for more info.
To set userFull.read_dates_private for ourselves invoke account.setGlobalPrivacySettings, setting the settings.hide_read_marks flag.