
Invite a set of users to a group call.

 Method schema is available as of layer 125. Switch ยป


Name Type Description
call InputGroupCall The group call
users Vector<InputUser> The users to invite.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
403 CHAT_TYPE_INVALID The specified user type is invalid.
403 GROUPCALL_FORBIDDEN The group call has already ended.
400 GROUPCALL_INVALID The specified group call is invalid.
400 INVITE_FORBIDDEN_WITH_JOINAS If the user has anonymously joined a group call as a channel, they can't invite other users to the group call because that would cause deanonymization, because the invite would be sent using the original user ID, not the anonymized channel ID.
400 USER_ALREADY_INVITED You have already invited this user.
403 USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT You're not a member of this supergroup/channel.