
Get group call participants

phone.groupParticipants#f47751b6 count:int participants:Vector<GroupCallParticipant> next_offset:string chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> version:int = phone.GroupParticipants;
phone.getGroupParticipants#c558d8ab call:InputGroupCall ids:Vector<InputPeer> sources:Vector<int> offset:string limit:int = phone.GroupParticipants;


Name Type Description
call InputGroupCall Group call
ids Vector<InputPeer> If specified, will fetch group participant info about the specified peers
sources Vector<int> If specified, will fetch group participant info about the specified WebRTC source IDs
offset string Offset for results, taken from the next_offset field of phone.groupParticipants, initially an empty string.
Note: if no more results are available, the method call will return an empty next_offset; thus, avoid providing the next_offset returned in phone.groupParticipants if it is empty, to avoid an infinite loop.
limit int Maximum number of results to return, see pagination



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 GROUPCALL_INVALID The specified group call is invalid.

Related pages


Info about the participants of a group call or livestream

Pagination in the API

How to fetch results from large lists of objects.