
Import chat history from a foreign chat app into a specific Telegram chat, click here for more info about imported chats ».

messages.historyImport#1662af0b id:long = messages.HistoryImport;
messages.initHistoryImport#34090c3b peer:InputPeer file:InputFile media_count:int = messages.HistoryImport;


Name Type Description
peer InputPeer The Telegram chat where the history should be imported.
file InputFile File with messages to import.
media_count int Number of media files associated with the chat that will be uploaded using messages.uploadImportedMedia.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED You must be an admin in this chat to do this.
400 IMPORT_FILE_INVALID The specified chat export file is invalid.
400 IMPORT_FORMAT_DATE_INVALID The date specified in the import file is invalid.
400 IMPORT_FORMAT_UNRECOGNIZED The specified chat export file was exported from an unsupported chat app.
400 PEER_ID_INVALID The provided peer id is invalid.
406 PREVIOUS_CHAT_IMPORT_ACTIVE_WAIT_%dMIN Import for this chat is already in progress, wait %d minutes before starting a new one.

Related pages

Imported messages

Telegram allows importing messages and media from foreign chat apps.


Upload a media file associated with an imported chat, click here for more info ».

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