
Get and increase the view counter of a message sent or forwarded from a channel

messages.messageViews#b6c4f543 views:Vector<MessageViews> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.MessageViews;
messages.getMessagesViews#5784d3e1 peer:InputPeer id:Vector<int> increment:Bool = messages.MessageViews;


Name Type Description
peer InputPeer Peer where the message was found
id Vector<int> ID of message
increment Bool Whether to mark the message as viewed and increment the view counter



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CHANNEL_INVALID The provided channel is invalid.
406 CHANNEL_PRIVATE You haven't joined this channel/supergroup.
400 CHAT_ID_INVALID The provided chat id is invalid.
400 MSG_ID_INVALID Invalid message ID provided.
400 PEER_ID_INVALID The provided peer id is invalid.

Related pages

Channels, supergroups, gigagroups and basic groups

How to handle channels, supergroups, gigagroups, basic groups, and what's the difference between them.

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