
Edit forum topic; requires manage_topics rights.

 Method schema is available as of layer 150. Switch »


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
channel InputChannel Supergroup
topic_id int Topic ID
title flags.0?string If present, will update the topic title (maximum UTF-8 length: 128).
icon_emoji_id flags.1?long If present, updates the custom emoji used as topic icon. Telegram Premium users can use any custom emoji, other users can only use the custom emojis contained in the inputStickerSetEmojiDefaultTopicIcons emoji pack. Pass 0 to switch to the fallback topic icon.
closed flags.2?Bool If present, will update the open/closed status of the topic.
hidden flags.3?Bool If present, will hide/unhide the topic (only valid for the "General" topic, id=1).



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CHANNEL_FORUM_MISSING This supergroup is not a forum.
400 CHANNEL_INVALID The provided channel is invalid.
403 CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED You must be an admin in this chat to do this.
400 DOCUMENT_INVALID The specified document is invalid.
400 GENERAL_MODIFY_ICON_FORBIDDEN You can't modify the icon of the "General" topic.
400 TOPIC_CLOSE_SEPARATELY The close flag cannot be provided together with any of the other flags.
400 TOPIC_HIDE_SEPARATELY The hide flag cannot be provided together with any of the other flags.
400 TOPIC_ID_INVALID The specified topic ID is invalid.
400 TOPIC_NOT_MODIFIED The updated topic info is equal to the current topic info, nothing was changed.

Bots can use this method

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