
Set localized name, about text and description of a bot (or of the current account, if called by a bot).

 Method schema is available as of layer 158. Switch ยป


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
bot flags.2?InputUser If called by a user, must contain the peer of a bot we own.
lang_code string Language code, if left empty update the fallback about text and description
name flags.3?string New bot name
about flags.0?string New about text
description flags.1?string New description



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 BOT_INVALID This is not a valid bot.
400 USER_BOT_INVALID User accounts must provide the bot method parameter when calling this method. If there is no such method parameter, this method can only be invoked by bot accounts.

Bots can use this method