Create and upload a new wallpaper
wallPaper#a437c3ed id:long flags:# creator:flags.0?true default:flags.1?true pattern:flags.3?true dark:flags.4?true access_hash:long slug:string document:Document settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper;
wallPaperNoFile#8af40b25 flags:# default:flags.1?true dark:flags.4?true settings:flags.2?WallPaperSettings = WallPaper;
account.uploadWallPaper#dd853661 file:InputFile mime_type:string settings:WallPaperSettings = WallPaper;
Name | Type | Description |
flags | # | Flags, see TL conditional fields |
for_chat | flags.0?true | Set this flag when uploading wallpapers to be passed to messages.setChatWallPaper. |
file | InputFile | The JPG/PNG wallpaper |
mime_type | string | MIME type of uploaded wallpaper |
settings | WallPaperSettings | Wallpaper settings |
Code | Type | Description |
400 | WALLPAPER_FILE_INVALID | The specified wallpaper file is invalid. |
400 | WALLPAPER_MIME_INVALID | The specified wallpaper MIME type is invalid. |
Set a custom wallpaper » in a specific private chat with another user.
Telegram apps support generating, sharing and synchronizing chat backgrounds.