
Upload notification sound, use account.saveRingtone to convert it and add it to the list of saved notification sounds.

documentEmpty#36f8c871 id:long = Document;
document#8fd4c4d8 flags:# id:long access_hash:long file_reference:bytes date:int mime_type:string size:long thumbs:flags.0?Vector<PhotoSize> video_thumbs:flags.1?Vector<VideoSize> dc_id:int attributes:Vector<DocumentAttribute> = Document;
account.uploadRingtone#831a83a2 file:InputFile file_name:string mime_type:string = Document;


Name Type Description
file InputFile Notification sound
file_name string File name
mime_type string MIME type of file



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 RINGTONE_MIME_INVALID The MIME type for the ringtone is invalid.

Related pages


Save or remove saved notification sound.

If the notification sound is already in MP3 format, account.savedRingtone will be returned.
Otherwise, it will be automatically converted and a account.savedRingtoneConverted will be returned, containing a new document object that should be used to refer to the ringtone from now on (ie when deleting it using the unsave parameter, or when downloading it).

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