
Get recently used emoji statuses

account.emojiStatusesNotModified#d08ce645 = account.EmojiStatuses;
account.emojiStatuses#90c467d1 hash:long statuses:Vector<EmojiStatus> = account.EmojiStatuses;
account.getRecentEmojiStatuses#f578105 hash:long = account.EmojiStatuses;


Name Type Description
hash long Hash used for caching, for more info click here.
Note: the usual hash generation algorithm cannot be used in this case, please re-use the account.emojiStatuses.hash field returned by a previous call to the method, or pass 0 if this is the first call.



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A list of emoji statuses

Emoji status

Telegram allows users to set an emoticon or a custom emoji as status, to show next to their name in chats and profiles.