
Edit a created business chat deep link ».

businessChatLink#b4ae666f flags:# link:string message:string entities:flags.0?Vector<MessageEntity> title:flags.1?string views:int = BusinessChatLink;
account.editBusinessChatLink#8c3410af slug:string link:InputBusinessChatLink = BusinessChatLink;


Name Type Description
slug string Slug of the link, obtained as specified here ».
link InputBusinessChatLink New link information.



Possible errors

Code Type Description
400 CHATLINK_SLUG_EMPTY The specified slug is empty.
403 PREMIUM_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED A premium account is required to execute this action.

Related pages

Deep links

Telegram clients must handle special tg:// and deep links encountered in messages, link entities and in other apps by registering OS handlers.


Users can turn their Telegram account into a business account, gaining access to business features such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages, custom start pages, chatbot support, and more.