
Represents a gift, displayed on a user's profile page.

Constructor schema is available as of layer 196. Switch »


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
name_hidden flags.0?true If set, from_id will not be visible to users (it will still be visible to the receiver of the gift).
unsaved flags.5?true If set, indicates this is a gift sent by from_id, received by the current user and currently hidden from our profile page.
from_id flags.1?long Sender of the gift (may be empty for anonymous senders; will always be set if this gift was sent to us).
date int When was this gift sent.
gift StarGift The gift.
message flags.2?TextWithEntities Message attached to the gift by the sender.
msg_id flags.3?int Only visible to the receiver of the gift, contains the ID of the messageService with the messageActionStarGift in the chat with from_id.
convert_stars flags.4?long The receiver of this gift may convert it to this many Telegram Stars, instead of displaying it on their profile page.
convert_stars will be equal to the buying price of the gift only if the gift was bought using recently bought Telegram Stars, otherwise it will be less than stars.



Related pages


Indicates a service message


You received a gift, see here » for more info.

Telegram Gifts

Users can send Gifts to their friends. The recipients of gifts can display them on their profile pages or turn them into Telegram Stars ». Telegram Stars can be used for many things, including supporting creators and buying services in mini apps.

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