
Connecting or disconnecting a business bot or changing the connection settings will emit an updateBotBusinessConnect update to the bot, with the new settings and a connection_id that will be used by the bot to handle updates from and send messages as the user.

updateBotBusinessConnect#8ae5c97a connection:BotBusinessConnection qts:int = Update;


Name Type Description
connection BotBusinessConnection Business connection settings
qts int New qts value, see updates ยป for more info.



Related pages

Working with Updates

How to subscribe to updates and handle them properly.


Users can turn their Telegram account into a business account, gaining access to business features such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages, custom start pages, chatbot support, and more.


Connecting or disconnecting a business bot or changing the connection settings will emit an updateBotBusinessConnect update to the bot, with the new settings and a connection_id that will be used by the bot to handle updates from and send messages as the user.