
Restriction reason.

Contains the reason why access to a certain object must be restricted. Clients are supposed to deny access to the channel if the platform field is equal to all or to the current platform (ios, android, wp, etc.). Platforms can be concatenated (ios-android, ios-wp), unknown platforms are to be ignored. The text is the error message that should be shown to the user.

The restriction_add_platforms » client configuration parameter contains an array of platform identifiers that must also be treated as our own, in additional to the one hardcoded in the client.

Constructor schema is available as of layer 105. Switch »


Name Type Description
platform string Platform identifier (ios, android, wp, all, etc.), can be concatenated with a dash as separator (android-ios, ios-wp, etc)
reason string Restriction reason (porno, terms, etc.). Ignore this restriction reason if it is contained in the ignore_restriction_reasons » client configuration parameter.
text string Error message to be shown to the user



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