
Info about a channel/supergroup, shared by a user with the currently logged in bot using messages.sendBotRequestedPeer.

All fields except the ID are optional, and will be populated if present on the chosen channel/supergroup, according to the parameters of the requesting inputKeyboardButtonRequestPeer.

requestedPeerChannel#8ba403e4 flags:# channel_id:long title:flags.0?string username:flags.1?string photo:flags.2?Photo = RequestedPeer;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
channel_id long Channel/supergroup ID.
title flags.0?string Channel/supergroup title.
username flags.1?string Channel/supergroup username.
photo flags.2?Photo Channel/supergroup photo.



Related pages

Channels, supergroups, gigagroups and basic groups

How to handle channels, supergroups, gigagroups, basic groups, and what's the difference between them.


Send one or more chosen peers, as requested by a keyboardButtonRequestPeer button.


Prompts the user to select and share one or more peers with the bot using messages.sendBotRequestedPeer.

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