
Reaction notification settings, see here » for more info.

reactionsNotifySettings#56e34970 flags:# messages_notify_from:flags.0?ReactionNotificationsFrom stories_notify_from:flags.1?ReactionNotificationsFrom sound:NotificationSound show_previews:Bool = ReactionsNotifySettings;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
messages_notify_from flags.0?ReactionNotificationsFrom Message reaction notification settings, if not set completely disables notifications/updates about message reactions.
stories_notify_from flags.1?ReactionNotificationsFrom Story reaction notification settings, if not set completely disables notifications/updates about reactions to stories.
sound NotificationSound Notification sound for reactions »
show_previews Bool If false, push notifications » about message/story reactions will only be of type REACT_HIDDEN/REACT_STORY_HIDDEN, without any information about the reacted-to story or the reaction itself.



Related pages


The API allows uploading and synchronizing notification sounds associated to a specific chat.

Handling PUSH-notifications

How to subscribe to and handle PUSH notifications

Message reactions

Telegram allows users to react on any message using specific emojis, triggering cute lottie animations.