
Defines a video

documentAttributeVideo#17399fad flags:# round_message:flags.0?true supports_streaming:flags.1?true nosound:flags.3?true duration:double w:int h:int preload_prefix_size:flags.2?int video_start_ts:flags.4?double = DocumentAttribute;


Name Type Description
flags # Flags, see TL conditional fields
round_message flags.0?true Whether this is a round video
supports_streaming flags.1?true Whether the video supports streaming
nosound flags.3?true Whether the specified document is a video file with no audio tracks (a GIF animation (even as MPEG4), for example)
duration double Duration in seconds
w int Video width
h int Video height
preload_prefix_size flags.2?int Number of bytes to preload when preloading videos (particularly video stories).
video_start_ts flags.4?double Floating point UNIX timestamp in seconds, indicating the frame of the video that should be used as static preview and thumbnail.



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Telegram users and channels can easily post and view stories through the API.