
Video attached to an encrypted message.

decryptedMessageMediaVideo#4cee6ef3 thumb:bytes thumb_w:int thumb_h:int duration:int w:int h:int size:int key:bytes iv:bytes = DecryptedMessageMedia;

decryptedMessageMediaVideo#524a415d thumb:bytes thumb_w:int thumb_h:int duration:int mime_type:string w:int h:int size:int key:bytes iv:bytes = DecryptedMessageMedia;

decryptedMessageMediaVideo#970c8c0e thumb:bytes thumb_w:int thumb_h:int duration:int mime_type:string w:int h:int size:int key:bytes iv:bytes caption:string = DecryptedMessageMedia;


Name Type Description
thumb bytes Content of thumbnail file (JPEG file, quality 55, set in a square 90x90)
thumb_w int Thumbnail width
thumb_h int Thumbnail height
duration int Duration of video in seconds
mime_type string MIME-type of the video file
Parameter added in Layer 17.
w int Image width
h int Image height
size int File size
key bytes Key to decrypt the attached video file
iv bytes Initialization vector
caption string Caption



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