
A time interval, indicating the opening hours of a business.

Note that opening hours specified by the user must be appropriately validated and transformed before uploading them to the server, as specified here ».

Constructor schema is available as of layer 176. Switch »


Name Type Description
start_minute int Start minute in minutes of the week, 0 to 7*24*60 inclusively.
end_minute int End minute in minutes of the week, 1 to 8*24*60 inclusively (8 and not 7 because this allows to specify intervals that, for example, start on Sunday 21:00 and end on Monday 04:00 (6*24*60+21*60 to 7*24*60+4*60) without passing an invalid end_minute < start_minute). See here » for more info.



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Users can turn their Telegram account into a business account, gaining access to business features such as opening hours, location, quick replies, automated messages, custom start pages, chatbot support, and more.