
Telegram allows applying detailed message filters while looking for messages in chats.

Search filters

inputMessagesFilterEmpty#57e2f66c = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterPhotos#9609a51c = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterVideo#9fc00e65 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterPhotoVideo#56e9f0e4 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterDocument#9eddf188 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterUrl#7ef0dd87 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterGif#ffc86587 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterVoice#50f5c392 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterMusic#3751b49e = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterChatPhotos#3a20ecb8 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterPhoneCalls#80c99768 flags:# missed:flags.0?true = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterRoundVoice#7a7c17a4 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterRoundVideo#b549da53 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterMyMentions#c1f8e69a = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterGeo#e7026d0d = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterContacts#e062db83 = MessagesFilter;
inputMessagesFilterPinned#1bb00451 = MessagesFilter;

messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.messagesSlice#3a54685e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int offset_id_offset:flags.2?int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.channelMessages#c776ba4e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int offset_id_offset:flags.2?int messages:Vector<Message> topics:Vector<ForumTopic> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages;

---functions--- flags:# peer:InputPeer q:string from_id:flags.0?InputPeer saved_peer_id:flags.2?InputPeer saved_reaction:flags.3?Vector<Reaction> top_msg_id:flags.1?int filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_id:int add_offset:int limit:int max_id:int min_id:int hash:long = messages.Messages;

messages.searchGlobal#4bc6589a flags:# broadcasts_only:flags.1?true folder_id:flags.0?int q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages;

When using or messages.searchGlobal, a certain message filter may be applied.
This allows the server to filter messages based on a text query, and even on their type, and this feature is often used by graphical clients to implement features like the chat gallery, chat profile pictures and more. Available filters:

The returned messages.Messages constructors contain parameters for pagination, the messages themselves and two offset_id_offset/count parameters that can be used to display a progress/total counter like photo 134 of 200.
For example, when displaying the chat photo gallery, we could display a photo ${offset_id_offset} of ${count} indicator on top.

Search counters

messages.searchCounter#e844ebff flags:# inexact:flags.1?true filter:MessagesFilter count:int = messages.SearchCounter;


messages.getSearchCounters#1bbcf300 flags:# peer:InputPeer saved_peer_id:flags.2?InputPeer top_msg_id:flags.0?int filters:Vector<MessagesFilter> = Vector<messages.SearchCounter>;

Chat counters with filters can also be returned without fetching the actual messages, as seen in the schema above.

Global search

messages.messages#8c718e87 messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.messagesSlice#3a54685e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true count:int next_rate:flags.0?int offset_id_offset:flags.2?int messages:Vector<Message> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.channelMessages#c776ba4e flags:# inexact:flags.1?true pts:int count:int offset_id_offset:flags.2?int messages:Vector<Message> topics:Vector<ForumTopic> chats:Vector<Chat> users:Vector<User> = messages.Messages;
messages.messagesNotModified#74535f21 count:int = messages.Messages;

messages.chats#64ff9fd5 chats:Vector<Chat> = messages.Chats;


messages.searchGlobal#4bc6589a flags:# broadcasts_only:flags.1?true folder_id:flags.0?int q:string filter:MessagesFilter min_date:int max_date:int offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages;

channels.getChannelRecommendations#25a71742 flags:# channel:flags.0?InputChannel = messages.Chats;

The global search view should be split into two tabs, a "Chats" tab (containing results from all private/secret chats, private/public groups, private/public channels), and a "Channels" tab (containing results from private/public channels) only.

The "Chats" is split in the following sections:

  • Frequent contacts: Contains avatars and names of the most frequently used users, sorted as specified here ».
  • Recent: Contains avatars and names of the most frequently used peers (users+chats+channels), sorted as specified here ».

Searching when in the "Chats" tab should invoke messages.searchGlobal, replacing the previously mentioned sections with a list of peers (avatar+name+returned message, max one row per peer).

The "Channels" tab is split in the following sections:

  • Channels you joined: Contains avatars and names of the most frequently used channels, sorted as specified here ».
  • Similar channels: Contains avatars and names of recommended public channels, similar to the ones the current user has already joined, fetched using channels.getChannelRecommendations without setting the channel flag, see here » for more info.

Searching when in the "Channels" tab should invoke messages.searchGlobal with the broadcasts_only flag set, replacing the previously mentioned sections with a list of peers (avatar+name+returned message, max one row per peer).

Global hashtag search


channels.searchPosts#d19f987b hashtag:string offset_rate:int offset_peer:InputPeer offset_id:int limit:int = messages.Messages;

A special channels.searchPosts method is available to globally search for posts from public channels (including those we aren't a member of), containing a specific hashtag (which should be passed in the hashtag field without the #).