QR code login flow.
Related TL schema:
auth.loginToken#629f1980 expires:int token:bytes = auth.LoginToken;
auth.loginTokenMigrateTo#68e9916 dc_id:int token:bytes = auth.LoginToken;
auth.loginTokenSuccess#390d5c5e authorization:auth.Authorization = auth.LoginToken;
updateLoginToken#564fe691 = Update;
authorization#ad01d61d flags:# current:flags.0?true official_app:flags.1?true password_pending:flags.2?true encrypted_requests_disabled:flags.3?true call_requests_disabled:flags.4?true unconfirmed:flags.5?true hash:long device_model:string platform:string system_version:string api_id:int app_name:string app_version:string date_created:int date_active:int ip:string country:string region:string = Authorization;
auth.exportLoginToken#b7e085fe api_id:int api_hash:string except_ids:Vector<long> = auth.LoginToken;
auth.acceptLoginToken#e894ad4d token:bytes = Authorization;
auth.importLoginToken#95ac5ce4 token:bytes = auth.LoginToken;
First of all, auth.exportLoginToken must be called by the app that wants to log in to an existing Telegram account.
The method will return an auth.loginToken constructor, containing a binary login token
and an expiration date (usually 30 seconds).
The login token
must be encoded using base64url, embedded in a tg://login?token=base64encodedtoken
URL and shown in the form of a QR code to the user.
After the expiration of the current QR code, the auth.exportLoginToken method must be recalled and a new QR code must be generated automatically.
In order to log in, the QR code must be scanned and accepted by an already logged-in Telegram app using auth.acceptLoginToken.
The token must be extracted from the tg://login
URI and base64url-decoded before using it in the method.
Possible errors returned by the method are:
, an invalid authorization token was providedAUTH_TOKEN_EXPIRED
, the provided authorization token has expired and the updated QR-code must be re-scannedAUTH_TOKEN_ALREADY_ACCEPTED
, the authorization token was already usedThe method will return an authorization object, containing info about the app and session that we just authorized.
After the logged-in app calls auth.acceptLoginToken and accepts the login token, the app that is trying to login will receive an updateLoginToken update, which should trigger a second call to the auth.exportLoginToken method.
This second call should then return an auth.loginTokenSuccess constructor, indicating successful login, essentially allowing further authorized interaction with the API.
If, however, there is a DC mismatch between the two apps, auth.loginTokenMigrateTo is returned instead, to which the app that is trying to login should respond by calling auth.importLoginToken with the specified token
, to the specified DC.
This call should then finally return a auth.loginTokenSuccess constructor.